“The Pickup” is basically a commercial ad of COVERGIRL that was launched in United State. in November 2017. This commercial ad was released under the title “Issa Rae presents: The Pickup feat. Melting Pout Metallics Lipstick | #IAmWhatIMakeUp by COVERGIRL“”.
The commercial song is “Wuwu” by Thutmose. For those of you who like this song, is available To Download From Amazon Or iTunes.
Issa Rae is the queen of pickup lines, but who is she picking up? Feel confident and fearless in COVERGIRL’s special edition Melting Pout Metallic lipstick. More from #IAmWhatIMakeUp: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yARn1… Learn more about COVERGIRL’s Melting Pout Metallics and shop Issa’s look at http://www.covergirl.com
This commercial was posted to COVERGIRL YouTube Page